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5 Important Qualities of a Great Leader

1. They are Self-Aware

Great leaders tend to be aware of how their behaviour, words, actions, and body language can affect and impact other people. They also tend to seek feedback by joining coaching for wellbeing on their leadership style by trying to fit themselves into other people’s shoes. Though this can be difficult for other people, it is usually important for leaders. Leaders usually understand that how they are perceived is a part of their day-to-day life.

2. Great Networking and Collaboration Skills

The level of interaction that we are witnessing today is at an all-time high. Unlike in the past when decisions were made by just a few people, the leaders of today have to learn how to thrive and survive in a hybrid atmosphere that is largely democratic. For success in any sphere of life, there must be a lot of networking and interaction.

As such, in any organization, teams must interact and collaborate so as to strengthen the overall relations within the organization. Today there are many tools and platforms that we can use to interlink with other people that we relate with in ways that were unimaginable in the past.

When it comes to collaborating with others, a leader usually understands the need to place the needs and priorities of their teams above their own. Leader usually uses collaboration to foster synergy within their teams. They actively involve team members in decisions making and when successful results occur, they give credit where it is due.

3. They Provide Leadership Through Passion, Vision, and, Concise Communication

Successful leaders usually create a transformative vision for the people they are leading and then share it with the vision. This usually helps all involved not just understand what they are being asked to do but also the reasons why they have been asked to do it.

Leaders usually mobilize their teams to execute their vision and work on sustaining the momentum of the vision while creating policies to reinforce the vision.

For this to happen, leaders must have an authentic, consistent and effective communication strategy. Though some leaders may be poor at communicating, a concise communication strategy usually helps clear out issues and remove doubt as to what is expected.

4. They are Open-minded yet Decisive

Good leaders usually understand that they do not have all the answers but know that learning is the best way to come up with innovative solutions to existing and emerging problems. They have the ability to be open-minded but are also decisive in the face of rapidly changing circumstances.

For a leader to be open-minded, they have to ask a lot of questions and listen to all opinions that are aired. They usually create an environment where each individual can air their opinions without the fear of being ridiculed.

They can also accept opinions and views from anyone regardless of their position in the chain of command. Being open-minded also means that a leader analyses all the data at their disposal before making a final decision. This means understanding when they have gathered sufficient data to make a good decision.

5. They Have the Ability to be Agile and Flexible

Great leaders usually understand that times are changing and as such, they are flexible in adopting new approaches if they work better than traditional approaches. They can usually shift direction at will and do what is either expected or not expected of them all while providing directions to the teams that they are in charge of. Great leaders usually have the inane capacity to improvise whenever necessary and they are always open to change and any new challenges that may present themselves.